
F5 BIG-IP平台上的LCD消息说明

This article applies to BIG-IP iSeries hardware platforms.


The LCD panel provides the ability to manage and monitor the unit without attaching a console or network cable. The different sensors that exist in the hardware platform provides information regarding the hardware health of the system by way of messages on the LCD screen. The following tables list messages that can appear on the LCD screen of iSeries platforms.

PSUx Status sensor messages

The PSUx sensor is a discrete sensor based on the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) standard sensor type code of 0x8. The sensor indicates various power supply unit (PSU) states.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
PSUx Status presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO     012a0045PSU# Status present.
PSUx Status absentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO 012a0045PSU# Status absent.
PSUx Status input lostWarningBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_WARN012a0040PSU# Status input lost.
PSUx Status input activeInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045PSU# Status input active.
Chassis power module 1 turned on.
Chassis power module 2 turned on.
Chassis power module 3 turned on.
Chassis power module 4 turned on.
Chassis power module # turned on.
Chassis power module # is on.
Chassis power module 1 turned off.
Chassis power module 2 turned off.
Chassis power module 3 turned off.
Chassis power module 4 turned off.
Chassis power module # turned off.
Chassis power module # is off.
Chassis power module 1 absent.
Chassis power module 2 absent.
Chassis power module 3 absent.
Chassis power module 4 absent.
Chassis power module # absent.
Power supplies do not matchCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_CHASSIS_PSU_MISMATCH012a0060Power supplies do not match.
PSU #: modelnumber PSU #: modelnumber
PSUx Status config mismatchCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043PSU# Status config mismatch.
PSUx Status config matchInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045PSU# Status config match.
PSUx Status output lostCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043PSU# Status output lost.
PSUx Status output activeInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045PSU# Status output active.
PSUx Status PSU unidentifiedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043PSU# Status PSU unidentified.
PSUx Status identifiedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045PSU# Status PSU identified.

Power Fault sensor messages

The Power Fault sensor is a discrete sensor indicating that a power fault has occurred.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
Power Fault host assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043Power Fault host asserted.
Power Fault host deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045Power Fault host deasserted.
Power Fault bay X assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043Power Fault bay # asserted.
Power Fault bay X deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045Power Fault bay # deasserted.
Power Fault switchboard assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043Power Fault switchboard asserted.
Power Fault switchboard deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045Power Fault switchboard deasserted.
Power Fault HDD x assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_CRIT012a0043Power Fault HDD # asserted.
Power Fault HDD x deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_PWR_INFO012a0045Power Fault HDD # deasserted.

CPU Fault sensor messages

The CPU Fault sensor is a discrete sensor indicating that a CPU fault has occurred.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
CPU Fault CATERR assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025CPU Fault CATERR asserted.
CPU Fault CATERR deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU Fault CATERR deasserted.
CPU Fault PROCHOT assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_TEMP_CRIT012a0031CPU Fault PROCHOT asserted.
CPU Fault PROCHOT deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_TEMP_INFO012a0033CPU Fault PROCHOT deasserted.
CPU Fault FIVR assertedEmergencyBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_EMERG012a0026CPU Fault FIVR asserted.
CPU Fault FIVR deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU Fault FIVR deasserted.
CPU Fault DIMM Event assertedWarningBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_WARN012a0022CPU Fault DIMM asserted.
CPU Fault DIMM Event deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU Fault DIMM deasserted.
CPU Fault MEMHOT assertedWarningBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_TEMP_WARN012a0028CPU Fault MEMHOT asserted.
CPU Fault MEMHOT deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_TEMP_INFO012a0033CPU Fault MEMHOT deasserted.
CPU Fault VR Hot assertedWarningBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_TEMP_WARN012a0028CPU Fault VR Hot asserted.
CPU Fault VR Hot deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_SENSOR_TEMP_INFO012a0033CPU Fault VR Hot deasserted.
CPU Fault CPU IERR assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025CPU Fault IERR asserted.
CPU Fault CPU IERR deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU Fault IERR deasserted.
CPU Fault CPU MCERR assertedCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025CPU Fault MCERR asserted.
CPU Fault CPU MCERR deassertedInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU Fault MCERR deasserted.

Filter sensor messages

The Filter sensor sends an event when the chassis filter needs to be replaced. This is a threshold-based sensor.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
Chassis air filter replacement dueInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027Chassis air filter replacement due.
Chassis air filter replacement overdueCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025Chassis air filter replacement overdue.

LCD Health sensor messages

The LCD Health sensor indicates whether or not the BMC can communicate with the LCD.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
LCD Health communication OKInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027LCD Health communication OK.
LCD Health communication errorCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025LCD Health communication error.

Module Presence sensor messages

The Module Presence sensor indicates whether or not a module is present.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
fan tray presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027fan tray present.
fan tray absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025fan tray absent.
bay x presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027bay # present.
bay x absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025bay # absent.
switchboard presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027switchboard present.
switchboard absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025switchboard absent.
LCD presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027LCD present.
LCD absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025LCD absent.
CPU 00 presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU 00 present.
CPU 00 absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025CPU 00 absent.
CPU 01 presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CPU 01 present.
CPU 01 absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025CPU 01 absent.

Leonardo Daughter Card Absent messages

A single general-purpose input/output (GPIO) on Leonardo indicates that the daughter card is absent.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
CM Daughter Card absentCriticalBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_CRIT012a0025CM Daughter Card absent.
CM Daughter Card presentInfoBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_INFO012a0027CM Daughter Card present.

FIPS Initialization Status messages

The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Initialization Status sensor tracks the state of the Full Box FIPS Mode initialization for the host application.

Alert messageAlert levelAlert nameError codeLog messageTrap OID
FIPS initialization error assertedWarningBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_WARN012a0022FIPS initialization error asserted.
FIPS initialization error deassertedWarningBIGIP_LIBHAL_AOM_ALERT_WARN012a0022FIPS initialization error deasserted.

RAID Disk Failure messages

The RAID controller on a Dual-SSD system indicates that the member disk is removed from the RAID array.

Alert MessageAlert LevelAlert NameError codeLog messageTrap OID
RAID disk failure.CriticalBIGIP_RAID_DISK_FAILURE0x0Raid#:md#: Disk failure.



You should consider using this procedure under the following condition:

  • You want to remotely clear LCD warnings and the Alarm LED.


You must meet the following prerequisite to use this procedure:

  • You have command line access to the BIG-IP system.


In some cases, you may want to remotely clear LCD warnings and the Alarm LED. Performing this action may prevent onsite personnel from discovering and reporting an old warning, or having to teach the onsite personnel how to clear the LCD. You can use the lcdwarn command line utility to control the LCD and the Alarm LED. To display its usage, run the lcdwarn command without any arguments.

Note: Starting in BIG-IP 12.1.0, you can use the tmsh show sys alert lcd command to display the list of alerts sent to the LCD front panel display.


Clearing LCD warnings

Impact of procedure: Performing the following procedure should not have a negative impact on your system.You can use the lcdwarn command to remotely clear the LCD warnings. To do so, use the following command syntax appropriate for your BIG-IP version:

BIG-IP 12.1.5, BIG-IP 13.1.0 and later

lcdwarn -c <level>

In this command syntax, note the following:

  • <level> specifies the alert level to be cleared. Acceptable values include [0|1|2|3|4|5] or [warning|error|alert|critical|emergency|information]. The level can be seen under the “Priority” column when you run tmsh show sys alert from the Advanced Shell (bash) or show sys alert from within the tmsh shell:

    root@(C3553740-bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show sys alert
    Slot          Timestamp  Priority         Id         Description
    0     04/22/21 02:21:07      info  0x10c0019  Unit going Active.
    0     04/22/21 01:22:55      info  0x10c0019  Unit going Active.
    0     04/22/21 01:16:28      info  0x10c0019  Unit going Active.
    0     04/22/21 01:16:28      info  0x10c0019  Unit going Active.

For example, to clear LCD warnings with an alert level of 0, type the following command:

lcdwarn -c 0

BIG-IP 13.0.0, BIG-IP 12.1.4 and earlier

lcdwarn -c <level> <slotid>

In this command syntax, note the following:

  • <level> specifies the alert level to be cleared. Acceptable values include [0|1|2|3|4|5] or [warning|error|alert|critical|emergency|information].
  • <slotid> specifies the slot for which warnings should be cleared. Acceptable values include [0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8].Note: In BIG-IP 13.0.0, BIG-IP 12.1.4 and earlier, specifying any slot other than 0 is necessary only on the VIPRION platform. On a VIPRION platform, the slot ID is counted from 1, so blade 2 is 2 in the command line.

For example, to clear LCD warnings with an alert level of 0, type the following command:

lcdwarn -c 0 0

On a VIPRION system, to clear LCD warnings with an alert level of 0 for slot 2, type the following command:

lcdwarn -c 0 2

Clearing the Alarm LED

To clear the Alarm LED, you must clear all LCD warnings at all alert levels (on all slots for VIPRION systems). To do so, perform the following single command appropriate for your BIG-IP platform:

Impact of procedure: Performing the following procedure should not have a negative impact on your system.

VIPRION platforms

You can clear all LCD warnings at all alert levels on all VIPRION slots using the following single command:

BIG-IP 12.1.5, BIG-IP 13.1.0 and later

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do lcdwarn -c “${i}”; done

BIG-IP 13.0.0, BIG-IP 12.1.4 and earlier

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do for j in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do lcdwarn -c “${i}” “${j}”; done; done

If you run this command on a VIPRION system that has unpopulated blade slots, the system logs benign error messages to the /var/log/ltm file that appear similar to the following example:

012a0004:4: ledSet error: LopDev: sendLopCmd: Lopd status: 1 packet: action=2 obj_id=3c sub_obj=0 slot_id=2 result=2 len=0 crc=e071 payload= (error code:0x2)

You can safely ignore this message; it does not affect the traffic processing capability of the VIPRION system.

To prevent this error message on a VIPRION system with unpopulated blade slots, adjust the input values for the j variable. For example, on a VIPRION system where only blade slots 1 and 2 are populated, type the following command:

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do for j in 1 2; do lcdwarn -c “${i}” “${j}”; done; done

BIG-IP iSeries platforms

For information about clearing the Alarm LED on BIG-IP iSeries platforms, refer to K24127736: Clear LCD alarms on iSeries device.

All other BIG-IP platforms (except for VIPRION platforms and BIG-IP iSeries platforms)

You can clear all LCD warnings at all alert levels on all other BIG-IP platforms (except for VIPRION platforms) using the following single command:

BIG-IP 12.1.5, BIG-IP 13.1.0 and later

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do lcdwarn -c “${i}”; done

BIG-IP 13.0.0, BIG-IP 12.1.4 and earlier

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do lcdwarn -c “${i}” 0; done

Note: Running this command on legacy BIG-IP platforms that are not equipped with an LCD (such as the 1000, 2400, 5100, and 5110) only clear the Alarm LED.

F5 液晶屏显示’unit going active’、’unit going standby’的含义


When a BIG-IP system transitions from active to standby state or standby to active state, a message is displayed on the LCD display indicating the amount of time that has passed since the state transition occurred.

The BIG-IP system transitioning from standby to active displays a message similar to one of the following examples:

xxS unit going active

xxM unit going active

The BIG-IP system transitioning from active to standby displays a message similar to one of the following examples:

xxS unit going standby

xxM unit going standby

In these messages, S or M indicates the units in which time is measured: S indicates seconds, M indicates minutes. The xx characters represent the number of minutes or seconds the device has been in the current state. For example, a device that transitioned to the active state 15 minutes ago displays the following message:

15M unit going active

Note: These messages may appear on standalone systems or on members of a redundant pair.

Note: To determine the cause of an unexpected state change, examine the system log files.


通常情况下可以使用fdisk、df等命令查看硬盘的分区情况以及当前已使用空间大小、剩余空间大小等信息。但是如果要查看硬盘的硬件信息如 硬盘型号、序列号、已运行时间等信息该用什么工具查看呢?


hdparm(hard disk parameters)

该命令用来获取或设置SATA/IDE设备的参数。注意了,既可以获取也可以设置,所以使用这个命令的时候务必要小心。当然我们只是为了获取查看硬盘信息,故不会对硬盘及系统造成什么危害。通常会配合 -i 或 -I(大写的i) 选项来取得硬盘的硬件信息。用法如下:

hdparm –user-master u –security-set-pass PASSWORD /dev/sda 设置密码
hdparm –user-master u –security-erase PASSWORD /dev/sda 安全擦除
hdparm –yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing –sanitize-crypto-scramle /dev/sdx
hdparm –yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing –sanitize-status /dev/sdx
yum install sg3_utils.x86_64
sg_readcap /dev/sdb
hdparm -N VP –yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing /dev/sdb (VP: certain LBA blocks)
hdparm –user-master u –security-set-pass PASSWORD /dev/sda
hdparm –user-master u –security-unlock PASSWORD /dev/sda
hdparm –user-master u –security-disable PASSWORD /dev/sda
hdparm –fwdownload /root/Desktop/xxx.bin –yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing –please-destroy-my-drive /dev/sdc

hdparm -I /dev/sda

语法:hdparm [-CfghiIqtTvyYZ][-a <快取分区>][-A <0或1>][-c ][-d <0或1>][-k <0或1>][-K <0或1>][-m <分区数>][-n <0或1>][-p ][-P <分区数>][-r <0或1>][-S <时间>][-u <0或1>][-W <0或1>][-X <传输模式>][设备]


-a<快取分区> 设定读取文件时,预先存入块区的分区数,若不加上<快取分区>选项,则显示目前的设定。
-A<0或1> 启动或关闭读取文件时的快取功能。
-c 设定IDE32位I/O模式。
-C 检测IDE硬盘的电源管理模式。
-d<0或1> 设定磁盘的DMA模式。
-f 将内存缓冲区的数据写入硬盘,并清楚缓冲区。
-g 显示硬盘的磁轨,磁头,磁区等参数。
-h 显示帮助。
-i 显示硬盘的硬件规格信息,这些信息是在开机时由硬盘本身所提供。
-I 直接读取硬盘所提供的硬件规格信息。
-k<0或1> 重设硬盘时,保留-dmu参数的设定。
-K<0或1> 重设硬盘时,保留-APSWXZ参数的设定。
-m<磁区数> 设定硬盘多重分区存取的分区数。
-n<0或1> 忽略硬盘写入时所发生的错误。
-p 设定硬盘的PIO模式。
-P<磁区数> 设定硬盘内部快取的分区数。
-q 在执行后续的参数时,不在屏幕上显示任何信息。
-r<0或1> 设定硬盘的读写模式。
-S<时间> 设定硬盘进入省电模式前的等待时间。
-t 评估硬盘的读取效率。
-T 平谷硬盘快取的读取效率。
-u<0或1> 在硬盘存取时,允许其他中断要求同时执行。
-v 显示硬盘的相关设定。
-W<0或1> 设定硬盘的写入快取。
-X<传输模式> 设定硬盘的传输模式。
-y 使IDE硬盘进入省电模式。
-Y 使IDE硬盘进入睡眠模式。
-Z 关闭某些Seagate硬盘的自动省电功能。


[root@oracle ~]# hdparm /dev/sda
IO_support = 0 (default 16-bit)
readonly = 0 (off)
readahead = 256 (on)
geometry = 19929[柱面数]/255[磁头数]/63[扇区数], sectors = 320173056[总扇区数], start = 0[起始扇区数]

[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -g /dev/sda
geometry = 19929[柱面数]/255[磁头数]/63[扇区数], sectors = 320173056[总扇区数], start = 0[起始扇区数]


[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -t /dev/xvda

Timing buffered disk reads: 422 MB in 3.01 seconds = 140.20 MB/sec
[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -t /dev/xvda

Timing buffered disk reads: 408 MB in 3.01 seconds = 135.59 MB/sec
[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -t /dev/xvda

Timing buffered disk reads: 416 MB in 3.01 seconds = 138.24 MB/sec


[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -T /dev/xvda

Timing cached reads: 11154 MB in 1.98 seconds = 5633.44 MB/sec
[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -T /dev/xvda

Timing cached reads: 10064 MB in 1.98 seconds = 5077.92 MB/sec
[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -T /dev/xvda

Timing cached reads: 10600 MB in 1.98 seconds = 5351.73 MB/sec

[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -C /dev/sda
drive state is: standby [省电模式]

[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -m /dev/sda
[root@oracle ~]# hdparm -m 参数值为整数值如8 /dev/sda 附:硬盘坏道修复方法
检查:smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda
卸载:umount /dev/sda*
修复:badblocks /dev/sda





(1).用法:iostat [选项] [<时间间隔>] [<次数>]

(2). 命令参数:



2.iostat -m  以M为单位显示所有信息

3.iostat -d sda     显示指定硬盘信息

4.iostat -t   报告每秒向终端读取和写入的字符数

5.iostat -d -k 1 1    查看TPS和吞吐量信息

6.iostat -d -x -k 1 1      查看设备使用率(%util)、响应时间(await)

7.iostat -c 1 2   查看cpu状态    间隔1秒显示一次,总共显示2次





iostat 主要用于输出磁盘IO 和 CPU的统计信息。

iostat属于sysstat软件包。可以用yum install sysstat 直接安装。


(1).用法:iostat [选项] [<时间间隔>] [<次数>]

(2). 命令参数:

-c: 显示CPU使用情况

-d: 显示磁盘使用情况

-N: 显示磁盘阵列(LVM) 信息

-n: 显示NFS 使用情况

-k: 以 KB 为单位显示

-m: 以 M 为单位显示

-t: 报告每秒向终端读取和写入的字符数和CPU的信息

-V: 显示版本信息

-x: 显示详细信息

-p: [磁盘] 显示磁盘和分区的情况




















2.iostat -m  以M为单位显示所有信息

3.iostat -d sda     显示指定硬盘信息

4.iostat -t   报告每秒向终端读取和写入的字符数

5.iostat -d -k 1 1    查看TPS和吞吐量信息

6.iostat -d -x -k 1 1      查看设备使用率(%util)、响应时间(await)







rrqm/s: 每秒进行 merge 的读操作数目。即 rmerge/s

wrqm/s: 每秒进行 merge 的写操作数目。即 wmerge/s

r/s: 每秒完成的读 I/O 设备次数。即 rio/s

w/s: 每秒完成的写 I/O 设备次数。即 wio/s

rkB/s: 每秒读K字节数。是 rsect/s 的一半,因为每扇区大小为512字节。

wkB/s: 每秒写K字节数。是 wsect/s 的一半。

avgrq-sz: 平均每次设备I/O操作的数据大小 (扇区)。

avgqu-sz: 平均I/O队列长度。

rsec/s: 每秒读扇区数。即 rsect/s

wsec/s: 每秒写扇区数。即 wsect/s





await: 平均每次设备I/O操作的等待时间 (毫秒)。

svctm: 平均每次设备I/O操作的服务时间 (毫秒)。

%util: 一秒中有百分之多少的时间用于 I/O 操作,即被io消耗的cpu百分比


如果 %util 接近 100%,说明产生的I/O请求太多,

I/O系统已经满负荷,该磁盘可能存在瓶颈。如果 svctm

比较接近 await,说明 I/O 几乎没有等待时间;如果 await

远大于 svctm,说明I/O 队列太长,io响应太慢,则需要进行必要优化。


7.iostat -c 1 2   查看cpu状态    间隔1秒显示一次,总共显示2次

iostat 1 5


iostat -d 2


iostat -d 2 3


iostat -x sda sdb 2 3

每隔2秒显示一次sda, sdb两个设备的扩展统计信息,共输出3次.

iostat -p sda 2 3



iostat是Linux中被用来监控系统的I/O设备活动情况的工具,是input/output statistics的缩写。它可以生成三种类型的报告:







mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom/

name=local repo


yum clean all
yum makecache
yum repolist all

HPE 1500 iLO 4 Configuration is temporarily unavailable

  1. Set the ilo 4 Security Override Switch on the system board to the ON position. The location of the switch is printed on a label located on the inside of the server blade hood cover. On the same maintenance switch, set switch number 3 to the ON position.
  2. Download the Smart Update Firmware Maintenance DVD version 9.10 B and later.
  3. Create a bootable USB key containing the contents of the Smart Update Firmware DVD.
  4. Download the desired version of the ilo 4 firmware smart component for Linux (cp0xxxxx.scexe where xxxxx is an appropriate 5 digit number).
  5. Copy the downloaded ilo 4 firmware to the directory /hp/swpackages on the USB key.
  6. Put the server blade back into the enclosure and power the server blade ON. Boot to the USB key containing the Smart Update Firmware DVD and select interactive firmware update.
  7. Use the following key sequence to exit out of the Smart Update Firmware Maintenance DVD interface. A command prompt will be displayed:
    CTRL + ALT + d + b + x (Keep the CTRL and ALT keys pressed when typing d b x. )
    The command prompt takes approximately 30 seconds to be displayed.
  8. At the command prompt, navigate to the Smart Update Firmware DVD directory containing the supplemental ilo 4 firmware update by using the following command:
    bash-3.1# cd /mnt/cdrom/hp/swpackages
  9. Use the following command to unload the HPILO module:
    rmmod hpilo
  10. Use the following command to execute the ilo 4 firmware update in direct mode:
    sh cp0xxxxx.scexe – – direct (This parameter requires two dash ( ) characters.).
  11. After the ilo 4 firmware upgrade is completed, power the server blade OFF and set the ilo 4 Security Override Switch on the system board to the OFF position. On the same maintenance switch, set switch number 3 to the OFF position

HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4) – HPE Active Health System (AHS) Logs and HPE OneView Profiles May Be Unavailable Causing iLO Self-Test Error 8192, Embedded Media Manager and Other Errors

On an HPE Gen8-series or HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers with HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4), the NAND flash device may not initialize or mount properly, which may cause a variety of symptoms, which are listed below:

AHS Errors

  • AHS Logs display a blank date when performing the following:
    “Select a range of the Active Health log in days From: _______ To:_________”
    AHS file system mount may fail with (I/O Error) or (No Such Device).
  • The HP Active Health System (AHS) Logs are unable to be downloaded. AHS Data is not available due to a filesystem error.
  • The iLO Diagnostic tab will display the following error message: “Embedded media manager failed initialization” or “The AHS file system mount failed with (No such device) or “The AHS file system mount failed with (I/O error)” or “Controller firmware revision 2.09.00 Could not partition embedded media device.”
  • Unable to download AHS log and “bb_dl_disabled” is displayed.

Embedded Media Errors

  • Controller Firmware Version 2.09.00 may fail to restart.
  • Unable to partition Embedded media device.
  • Embedded media manager may fail initialization.

Intelligent Provisioning Errors

  • Intelligent Provisioning will not execute when selecting F10.

OneView Errors

  • Remote Insight/Integrated Lights-Out Self-Test Error 8192.
  • Unable to register this HP OneView instance with iLO: There was a problem with posting a command to the iLO.
  • Unable to register this HP OneView instance with iLO: The iLO initialization was unable to complete.
  • Unable to determine if this server hardware is being managed by another management system. Received an error from iLO <ip address of iLO> with Error: Blob Store is not yet initialized. and Status: 126


Any HPE ProLiant Gen8-series or HPE ProLiant Gen9-series server running iLO 4.


The resolution for this issue may take several steps that need to be completed in the order specified below.


Step 1) Upgrade the iLO 4 firmware to version 2.61
Step 2) Perform a NAND format
Step 3) Check the iLO status If the iLO status is normal, then skip to Step 6 If the iLO status is still degraded, continue to Step 4
Step 4) Schedule downtime; AC power-cycle and repeat the NAND format
Step 5) Check the iLO status If the iLO status is normal, continue to
Step 6 If the iLO status is still degraded, then skip to Step 7
Step 6) Perform these final steps if the system board does not need to be replaced: Reboot the server; reinstall IP; and refresh the server in OneView (if server is managed by OneView)
Step 7) If steps 1-4 did not resolve the degraded iLO, replace the system board.

Note: The 2.61 iLO 4 firmware is a critical update. As such, HPE requires users to update to this version immediately. Install this update to take advantage of significant improvements to the write algorithm for the embedded 4 GB non-volatile flash memory (also known as the NAND). These improvements increase the NAND lifespan.

Additional considerations before performing a NAND format

A NAND format can be performed while the server is online in most cases.

Exception: For ESXi hosts booting from the Embedded SD Card – it isstrongly recommended to perform the NAND format with the ESXi OSshutdown.This recommendation also applies when updating the iLO 4firmware or resetting the iLO for ESXi hosts booting from the Embedded SDCard

A server AC power removal may be required (prior to the NAND format) in order for the NAND format to be successful. This can be accomplished for ML or DL servers by shutting down the server and disconnecting the power cables for a few seconds. For blade servers, an E-fuse can be accomplished by logging into the OA CLI and typing “reset server #” where “#” is the bay number of the blade.

An AuxPwrCycle feature was added in iLO 4 firmware version 2.55 so that the equivalent of an AC power removal can be performed remotely on a server.
Refer to Customer Notice “HPE Integrated Lights Out (iLO) 4 – RESTful Command to Allow an Auxiliary Power-Cycle Is Available in Firmware Version 2.55 (and Later)” located at the following URL:


Required steps to perform after a successful NAND format

  • If the server is powered on when performing the NAND format, a server reboot is required after a successful NAND format. This reboot repopulates the RIS and RESTful data on the server during the next server POST with iLO 4 firmware version 2.53 or newer installed. If iLO 4 firmware version 2.50 or older is installed, connect to the iLO CLI (using putty) and use the following command “oemHP_clearRESTapistate” before rebooting the server to repopulate the RIS and RESTful data on the server.
  • Reinstall Intelligent Provisioning (IP) to ensure that it is working properly and reported as installed in the iLO 4 GUI “System Information – Firmware Information” page.
  • If using OneView: After the server is rebooted (to repopulate the RIS and RESTful data on the server), perform a server refresh in OneView; any existing errors in OneView will need to be marked as cleared after the refresh.

Detailed steps

Step 1. Upgrade the iLO 4 firmware to version 2.61. To download the firmware. The latest version of the iLO 4 firmware is available as follows:

Note: For ESXi hosts booting from the Embedded SD Card (Gen8/Gen9)- it is strongly recommended to perform this step with the ESXi OS shutdown.

  1. Click the following link:
  2. Enter a product name (e.g., “DL380 Gen9”) in the text search field and wait for a list of products to populate. From the products displayed, identify the desired product and click on the Drivers & software icon to the right of the product.
  3. From the Drivers & software dropdown menus on the left side of the page:
    • Select the Software Type – (e.g. Firmware)
    • Select the Software Sub Type – (e.g. Network)
    • For further filtering if needed – Select the specific Operating System from the Operating Environment.
  4. Select the latest release of Firmware – Lights-Out Management iLO 4 firmware version 2.61 (or later). Note: To ensure the latest version will be downloaded, click on the Revision History tab to check if a new version of the firmware/driver is available.
  5. Click Download.

Step 2. Perform NAND format using one of the methods detailed in the customer advisory: using one of the methods detailed in the customer advisory: HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4) – How to Format the NAND Used to Store AHS logs, OneView Profiles, and Intelligent Provisioning
Find the document at:


Note: iLO 4 firmware version 2.44 (or later) is required to format the NAND using the following steps.

Step 3. Check the iLO status using the options available in the customer advisory: HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4) – How to Format the NAND Used to Store AHS logs, OneView Profiles, and Intelligent Provisioning (find the document at the link in Step 2).

If the iLO status is normal based on the above criteria, then skip to Step 6 If the iLO status is still degraded, continue to Step 4

Step 4. If the iLO status is still degraded, perform the following steps:

a) Schedule a maintenance window
b) Shut down the server
c) Perform an E-fuse (server blade) or AC Power Pull (DL / ML series servers) d) Perform the NAND format again (refer to the instructions in Step 2 above)

Step 5. Check the iLO status (refer to the instructions in Step 3 above)
If the iLO status is normal, continue to Step 6
If the iLO status is still degraded, then skip to Step 7

Step 6. Perform these final steps after the NAND format is successful:
a) Reboot the server
b) Reinstall Intelligent Provisioning (see additional details below)
c) If the server is managed by HPE OneView, perform a server refresh to bring the server back under management.

Note: Any existing errors in OneView will need to be marked as cleared after the refresh.

Step 7. If steps 1-4 did not resolve the degraded iLO, contact HPE support to arrange a system board replacement. Follow these steps to complete the remediation:

a) Open an HPE support case to arrange for a replacement system board / arrange a maintenance window
b) During the maintenance window, shutdown the server
c) Unassign the OneView profile (if the server is under OneView management)
d) Replace the system board
e) Enter Server Model and Serial Number via RBSU
f) Update to iLO 4 firmware 2.61 (or later)
g) Check iLO status (refer to Step 3 above)
h) Reassign the OneView profile (if the server is under OneView management)

Note: Any existing errors in OneView will need to be marked as cleared after the OneView profile is applied.

If additional assistance is needed, contact HPE support and reference Advisory a00019495en_us as follows:

Click on the following URL to locate the HPE Customer Support phone number in your country:

https://h20195.www2.hpe.com/v2/Getdocument.aspx?docname=A00039121ENW .

OneView Considerations

OneView relies on the NAND to be accessible to perform many operations such as adding a new server or applying a profile. Because of this there are several things that need to be understood when dealing with this issue in an OneView environment.

  1. OneView interaction with the NAND – OneView uses a portion of the NAND called the iLO blob store. If the blob store is not accessible, adding a server to OneView or assigning a profile to the server cannot be completed.
  2. Impact of an inaccessible NAND when managed by OneView – If the NAND becomes inaccessible after the server was added in OneView, there are several things that can cause an outage:
    1. E-fuse – If an E-fuse reset is performed, the server will not be able to be brought back under management until the NAND issue is remediated and this will cause an unexpected outage.
    2. Server is removed and reinserted – This would essentially be the same as performing an E-fuse, so the same information in the E-fuse section applies here.
    3. Un-assign a server profile – If a server profile is unassigned, the server profile will not be able to be reassigned until the NAND issue is remediated.
  3. Migration from Virtual Connect to OneView – If an enclosure is migrated from Virtual Connect and a server has an inaccessible NAND, that server will not be able to be added properly until the NAND issue is remediated. If an in-service migration is attempted on a server with an inaccessible NAND, an unexpected outage will occur. Reference advisoryhttps://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c05384185for more detail.
  4. Formatting of the NAND – The NAND format wipes the iLO blob store that is used by OneView. It is important to issue a server refresh after a successful NAND format to recover the blob that OneView uses.

Reinstalling Intelligent Provisioning Considerations

There are online and offline options for reinstalling Intelligent Provisioning

  • Intelligent Provisioning can be reinstalled online if the server is running Windows (HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers/HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers only) or Linux (HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers/HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers). The available online Windows packages are older versions of Intelligent Provisioning.
  • Intelligent Provisioning must be reinstalled offline if the server is running VMware (HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers/HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers).
  • The Intelligent Provisioning software download links are provided below. Intelligent Provisioning versions
  • HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers are only supported with Intelligent Provisioning 1.x
  • ” HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers are only supported with Intelligent Provisioning 2.x

Note: Intelligent Provisioning version 3.x is for HPE ProLiant Gen10-series servers only.

Offline method considerations:

  • Run the Intelligent Provisioning Restore Media to restore the Intelligent Provisioning data. Instructions to restore Intelligent Provisioning are as follows:
  • Instructions to create a bootable DVD with the IP image are provided on the HPE Intelligent Provisioning recovery media download site under the Installation Instructions tab.


Note: The DVD can be used multiple times.

Please note the Intelligent Provisioning Recovery Media DVD may be remotely mounted using HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4) Virtual Media functionality, in order to reinstall Intelligent Provisioning. Additional information is available in the HPE iLO 4 User Guide at the following URL regarding how to mount an ISO image (federated or un-federated) and perform basic virtual media operations. Reference Pages 189 and 223-237:

HPE iLO 4 User Guide:

In addition, it is possible to write a script that utilizes HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4) to reinstall Intelligent Provisioning on multiple servers. HPE Lights-Out management processors support an advanced scripting interface for group configuration and server actions. Scripts would need to be customized for the specific environment and task. Sample scripts are available for customers to reference at the following URL: HPE Lights-Out XML Scripting Sample for Windows: https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/swd/public/detail?swItemId=MTX_459b8adc29c04317ad1d6a6752

Intelligent Provisioning software download links

HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers are only supported with Intelligent Provisioning 1.x
HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers are only supported with Intelligent Provisioning 2.x

a.) Linux RPM located at the following URLs: For HPE Gen8-series servers: http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/ip/rhel/current/x86_64/gen8/

For HPE Gen9-series servers: http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/ip/rhel/current/x86_64/gen9/firmware-intelligentprovisioning-ip-2.71-1.1.x86_64.rpm

b.) The Windows files are located at the following URLs:

For HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers: Intelligent Provisioning for Microsoft Windows 64-bit Operating Systems (2 Mar 2017) cp031302.exe https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/swd/public/detail?swItemId=MTX_01b900175afc4ae68be6c87b39
For HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers: Intelligent Provisioning for Windows x64 Jan 2017) cp031091.exe https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/swd/public/detail?swItemId=MTX_b031497eafd94b9ea2156cdef6

c) ISO images (e.g. for VMware) on Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support Center located at the following: https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/home/driverHome?sp4ts.oid=1008862660

For HPE ProLiant Gen8-series servers: Intelligent Provisioning Recovery Media, version 1.70(9 Oct 2017)
For HPE ProLiant Gen9-series servers: Intelligent Provisioning for Gen9 Servers, version 2.70(b)(28 Feb 2018)

HP DL380G9服务器开机无F10的处理办法



按F9进入主板BIOS设置,System Utilities——System Configuration——menucascade-separatorBIOS/
Platform Configuration (RBSU)(BIOS/平台配置)——menucascade-separatorServer Security(服务器安
全性)——menucascade-separatorIntelligent Provisioning (F10 Prompt)(F10 提示),选择Enabled启用,按F10保存即可。

需要进入ilo integrated remote console控制台界面,挂载镜像,然后从F11从镜像启动。


三、NAND空间受损,如此功能受损,将会在ilo上看到有类似”Embedded Flash/SD-CARD:Failed restart”的报错,这种情况下,如果ILO版本较高,可以在ilo里直接format reset下ilo。

或者通过HP Lights-Out 配置实用程序HPQLOCFG命令行的方式来重新格式化NAND。


linux新增了一块硬盘,首先通过fdisk -l查看:

然后fdisk /dev/vdb创建分区

以此输入n p

first sector和last sector默认,直接回车,输入t L



然后pvcreate /dev/vdb1,vgcreate vg_vdb /dev/vdb1

lvcreate -L 1000G -n lv_u01 vg_vdb,mkfs.xfs /dev/vg_vdb/lv_u01

新建/u01目录,挂载分区mount /dev/vg_vdb/lv_u01 /u01

在/etc/fstab中添加/dev/mapper/vg_vdb-lv_u01 /u01 xfs defaults 0 0,即可。

Linux LVM分区扩容方法,可以参见https://www.eumz.com/2018-04/1461.html