
redhat5、redhat6安装HP DL380 DL580 G5 G6服务器网卡驱动步骤

Installing the RPM Package

  1. This package requires a build environment. Please refer to the
    “Build Environment Setup” Section before proceding to the next step.
  2. Install the source RPM package. rpm -ivh hp-e1000e-.src.rpm
  3. Build the binary RPM for the e1000e driver. RHEL 5: rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/hp-e1000e.spec RHEL 6: rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/hp-e1000e.spec SLES: rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/packages/SPECS/hp-e1000e.spec If you get an error during the build process, refer to the
    “Build Environment Setup” section. NOTE: One can build binary RPM for a specfic kernel flavor as follows: rpmbuild -bb SPECS/hp-e1000e.spec –define “KVER ” NOTE: RHEL 5 x86 installations require the “–target” switch when
    building on Intel compatible machines. Please see the “Caveats”
    section below for more details. rpmbuild –target=i686 -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/hp-e1000e.spec
  4. Check for the existence of a current version of the e1000e package as follows: RHEL rpm -q kmod-hp-e1000e- SLES rpm -q hp-e1000e-kmp- If an old version of the package exists, the RPM package should be
    removed. Remove the corresponding tools package before removing
    driver package. RHEL rpm -e kmod-hp-e1000e- SLES rpm -e hp-e1000e-kmp- Verify if the old hp-e1000e package has been removed as follows: RHEL rpm -q kmod-hp-e1000e- SLES rpm -q hp-e1000e-kmp-
  5. Install the new binary RPM package. RHEL 5 rpm -ivh \ /usr/src/redhat/RPMS//kmod-hp-e1000e–..rpm RHEL 6 rpm -ivh \ ~/rpmbuild/RPMS//kmod-hp-e1000e–..rpm The modules are installed in the following directory:
    /lib/modules//extra/hp-e1000e Note: The “–nodeps” switch is required when installing on RHEL 5.5. See
    “Caveats” section below for more details. rpm -ivh \ /usr/src/redhat/RPMS//kmod-hp-e1000e–..rpm –nodeps SLES rpm -ivh RPMS//hp-e1000e-kmp–..rpm The modules are installed in the following directory:
  6. Configure your network setting and address. You may need to refer to your
    Linux vendor documentation. Helpful network configuration tools such as
    “yast2” in SLES or linuxconf/redhat-config-network/netconfig in Red Hat
    exist for easy configuration.

For SLES, user may have to specify the module as e1000e while configuring
the network. The module can be specified in Hardware Details of Advanced

  1. Ensure that the /etc/modules.conf file is configured similar to the example
    listed below. The example below is presented as if more than one adapter is
    present. If so, one eth# instance should exist for each ethernet port. Refer to
    the modules.conf man page for more information. alias eth0 e1000e
    alias eth1 e1000e

For SLES, the configuration file is /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf.local

  1. You can now reboot your server or restart the network services. Upon reboot
    the network should start with the e1000e driver loaded

To verify that the e1000e driver is loaded use the following command.

# lsmod

You should find e1000e listed. You can also verify if the correct e1000e driver is
loaded through any of the following methods. Note that version of the driver loaded
should be same as that of the package version.

A. Look for driver load messages in the system log.

#dmesg | grep Intel

You should see messages of the following type,

Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version x.x.x

B. Check the /var/log/messages file for a similar message as indicated in method A.

Note: To load the driver from command line use ‘modprobe’ instead of ‘insmod’.
Refer to the man pages for lsmod, ifconfig, rmmod, insmod, modprobe, modules.conf
and modprobe.conf for more detailed information.

Uninstalling the RPM

The following command will uninstall the RPM.

Red Hat
# rpm -e kmod-hp-e1000e-<kernel flavor>

# rpm -e hp-e1000e-kmp-<kernel flavor>


Some Linux distributions may not add the default route back to a specified network
device when a network stop/start command is used. Use the route command to add the
default router back to the network device.

Some Linux distributions may not add the default assigned IP address back to a
specified network device when using the following:

ifconfig eth(x) down
rmmod <module name>
insmod <module name> <optional parameter changes>
ifconfig eth(x) up

Another step to reassign the IP address back to the device may be required:

ifconfig eth(x) <ip address>

Some Linux distributions may add multiple IP addresses with the same system name in
the /etc/hosts file when configuring multiple network devices.


现有一台HP DL580 G7服务器,redhat linux5.6 64位操作系统,需要升级网卡驱动,步骤如下:

#rpm -ivh hp-nx_nic-xxx.src.rpm
#rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/hp-nx_nic.spec
#rpm -q kmod-hp-nx_nic-<flavor>
#rpm -e kmod-hp-nx_nic-<flavor>
#rpm -q kmod-hp-nx_nic-<flavor>
#rpm -e hp-nx_nic-tools
#lsmod |grep nx_nic
#lsmod |grep netxen_nic
#ifconfig eth<n> down
#modprobe -r nx_nic
#modprobe -r netxen_nic
#rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/<arch>/hp-nx_tools-<version>-<arch>.rpm
#rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/<arch>/kmod-hp-nx_nic-<flavor>-<version>.<arch>.rpm
7、运行modinfo nx_nic并验证驱动程序版本
#modinfo nx_nic
8、运行modprobe nx_nic以安装新的nx_nic驱动
#modprobe nx_nic


华为RH V5系列windows操作系统下PCI数据捕获和信号处理控制器的驱动问题


“PCI 数据捕获和信号处理控制器”未知设备对业务正常运行无任何影响,可以不做处理,如必需处理,也可以按照下面的步骤关闭黑匣子功能:

HP DL388p G8服务器安装windows 2008 32位操作系统需要的驱动

目前有很多用户都使用HP DL388p G8服务器,在安装windows 2008 32位操作系统时,还需要安装另外的各种驱动,如网卡驱动、主板芯片组驱动等等。

但是windows 2008 32位操作系统可以直接识别到阵列卡,即配置好raid并创建好虚拟磁盘后,安装程序即可正常识别到硬盘。





DELL阵列卡名称 LSI芯片组 LSI公司使用相同芯片的RAID卡或HBA卡
H710/H810 LSI2208 MegaRAID SAS 9265-8i
H700/H800 LSI2108 MegaRAID SAS 9260-8i
PERC5i/E LSI1068 MegaRAID SAS 8408E/8480E
H310 LSI2008 MegaRAID SAS 9240
H200/SAS6G LSI2008 LSISAS2008
SAS6ir/E LSI1068 LSISAS1068E
SAS5i/r/E LSI1068 LSISAS1068


浪潮NF5245 M3服务器安装linux时加载阵列卡驱动的办法

浪潮NF5245 M3服务器,需要安装linux as5操作系统,该型服务器阵列卡型号为Adaptec 6805阵列卡,redhat linux as6系列操作系统会自动该阵列卡驱动,但是安装linux as5系列需要额外加载驱动,驱动下载地址http://www.inspur.com/downloads/channel_home/Downloads_sv_0.asp?sv_type=RAID%BF%A8&type=Adaptec%206805%20RAID%BF%A8,找到需要下载的驱动,如linux as5.6版本的驱动,下载好6805-RHEL5.6.img后,将驱动文件复制到U盘中。

安装linux时,将带有驱动的U盘插入到服务器上,使用linux as5安装盘,从光盘启动,在安装界面输入:linux dd命令,出现提示Driver disk,按照提示加载驱动6805-RHEL5.6.img,加载后即进入正常安装界面,并可以发现硬盘(之前阵列卡配置好的虚拟磁盘),正常安装即可。

为VMware ESX安装驱动的方法

有时当我们为服务器安装好VMware ESX软件后,却发现服务器上的光纤卡未被识别,这就需要我们为未被识别的设备另外安装驱动,通常安装驱动需以下几步骤:

# vmkload_mod iso9660
# /sbin/vsish -e set /vmkModules/iso9660/mount mpx.vmhba32:C0:T0:L0
# ls /vmfs/volumes/CDROM


# esxcli software acceptance set –level=CommunitySupported
# esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/xxxxxxx.vib
