

When you buy a server or storage array these days, you often have the choice between three different kinds of hard drives: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), Near Line SAS (NL-SAS) and Serial ATA (SATA). Yes, there are other kinds of drives, such as Fibre Channel, but I’m focusing this article on the SAS/SATA question. Further, even though solid-state disks (SSD) can have a SAS or SATA interface, I’m not focused here on SSDs. I’m focusing solely on the devices that spin really, really fast and on which most of the world’s data resides.

So, what is the real difference between SAS, NL-SAS and SATA disks? Well, to be cryptic, there are a lot of differences, but I think you’ll find some surprising similarities, too. With that, let’s dig in!

SAS disks have replaced older SCSI disks to become the standard in enterprise-grade storage. Of the three kinds of disks, they are the most reliable, maintain their performance under more difficult conditions, and perform much better than either NL-SAS or SATA disks.

In reliability, SAS disks are an order of magnitude safer than either NL-SAS or SATA disks. This metric is measured in bit error rate (BER), or how often bit errors may occur on the media. With SAS disks, the BER is generally 1 in 10^16 bits. Read differently, that means you may see one bit error out of every 10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 quadrillion) bits. By comparison, SATA disks have a BER of 1 in 10^15 (1,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 quadrillion). Although this does make it seem that SATA disks are pretty reliable, when it comes to absolute data protection, that factor of 10 can be a big deal.

SAS disks are also built to more exacting standards than other types of disks. SAS disks have a mean time between failure of 1.6 million hours compared to 1.2 million hours for SATA. Now, these are also big numbers – 1.2 million hours is about 136 years and 1.6 million hours is about 182 years. However, bear in mind that this is a mean. There will be outliers and that’s where SAS’s increased reliability makes it much more palatable.

SAS disks/controller pairs also have a multitude of additional commands that control the disks and that make SAS a more efficient choice than SATA. I’m not going to go into great detail about these commands, but will do so in a future article.

NL-SAS is a relative newcomer to the storage game, but if you understand SATA and SAS, you already know everything you need to know about NL-SAS. You see, NL-SAS is basically a merging of a SATA disk with a SAS connector. From Wikipedia: “NL-SAS drives are enterprise SATA drives with a SAS interface, head, media, and rotational speed of traditional enterprise-class SATA drives with the fully capable SAS interface typical for classic SAS drives.”

There are two items of import in that sentence: “enterprise SATA drives” and “fully capable SAS interface”. In short, an NL-SAS disk is a bunch of spinning SATA platters with the native command set of SAS. While these disks will never perform as well as SAS thanks to their lower rotational rate, they do provide all of the enterprise features that come with SAS, including enterprise command queuing, concurrent data channels, and multiple host support.

Enterprise/tagged command queuing. Simultaneously coordinates multiple sets of storage instructions by reordering them at the storage controller level so that they’re delivered to the disk in an efficient way.
Concurrent data channels. SAS includes multiple full-duplex data channels, which provides for faster throughout of data.
Multiple host support. A single SAS disk can be controlled by multiple hosts without need of an expander.
However, on the reliability spectrum, don’t be fooled by the acronym “SAS” appearing in the product name. NL-SAS disks have the same reliability metrics as SATA disks – BER of 1 in 10^15 and MTBF of 1.2 million hours. So, if you’re thinking of buying NL-SAS disks because SAS disks have better reliability than SATA disks, rethink. If reliability is job #1, then NL-SAS is not your answer.

On the performance scale, NL-SAS won’t be much better than SATA, either. Given their SATA underpinning, NL-SAS disks rotate at speeds of 7200 RPM… the same as most SATA disks, although there are some SATA drives that operate at 10K RPM.

It seems like there’s not much benefit to the NL-SAS story. However, bear in mind that this is a SATA disk with a SAS interface and, with that interface comes a number of benefits, some of which I briefly mentioned earlier. These features allow manufacturers to significantly simplify their products.

Lowest on the spectrum is the SATA disk. Although it doesn’t perform as well as SAS and doesn’t have some of the enterprise benefits of NL-SAS, SATA disks remain a vital component in any organization’s storage system, particularly for common low-tier, mass storage needs.

When you’re buying SATA storage, your primary metric is more than likely to be cost per TB and that’s as it should be. SAS disks are designed for performance, which is why they’re available in 10K and 15K RPM speeds and provide significant IOPS per physical disk. With SAS, although space is important, the cost per IOPS is generally just as, if not more, important. This is why many organizations are willing to buy speedier SAS disks even though it means buying many more disks (than SATA or NL-SAS) to hit capacity needs.

At a high level, SAS and SATA are two sides of the storage coin and serve different needs — SAS for performance and SATA for capacity. Straddling the two is NL-SAS, which brings some SAS capability to SATA disks, but doesn’t bring the additional reliability found with SAS. NL-SAS helps manufacturers streamline production, and can help end users from a controller perspective, but they are not a replacement for SAS.



在这种情况下,串行(Serial)总行接口技术就应运而生。串行总线接口技术并不是并行技术的改进,而是一种完全崭新的总线架构。同ATA和SCSI相对应的是SATA(Serial ATA)和SAS(Serial Attached SCSI)两种技术,它们克服了原先并行总线接口技术中的不足。
SATA的出现扩展了原先的ATA技术,并且业界指定第一代SATA标准的峰值传输速率可达1.5G bps。随着SATA标准的不断完善,传输的速率会不断提高。业界估计,到2004年底,SATA硬盘基本上会取代原先的ATA硬盘,成为桌面PC,入门级服务器和网络存储系统底主要存储介质。
SAS 由3种类型协议组成,根据连接的不同设备使用相应的协议进行数据传输。其中串行SCSI协议(SSP)用于传输SCSI命令;SCSI管理协议(SMP)用于对连接设备的维护和管理;SATA通道协议(STP)用于SAS和SATA之间数据的传输。因此在这3种协议的配合下,SAS可以和SATA和部分 SCSI设备无缝结合。
SAS 和SATA之间兼容性给普通用户,系统构建者和系统管理员带来诸多的好处。
随着数据中心对于存储的要求与日俱增以及萨班斯-奥克斯利法案 (Sarbanes Oxley) 与 HIPAA 等法规的相继出台,我们必须能够稳定可靠地定期备份与存取大量关键业务信息。IT 经理为寻求能以更低成本提供更高容量,同时又不牺牲可靠性或数据可用性的存储解决方案而寝食难安。
为了满足上述要求,近线企业磁盘阵列系统应运而生,其在阵列前端上保持了光纤通道 (FC) 基础局端以适应现有SAN,同时采用串行连接 SCSI (SAS) 与串行 ATA (SATA) 驱动的混合设计而摈弃了更昂贵的 FC 驱动器。这种混合技术系统不仅能够降低成本,同时还确保了 FC 存储系统实现的可用性、可管理性、数据完整性与功能性不受影响。基于 SATA 的存储解决方案能够理想地满足 “辅助存储”的特定工作负荷、容量以及成本要求,而基于 SAS 的存储解决方案则能提供与当前FC存储解决方案不相上下的高性能与高可靠性。
SAS 的优势
SAS 与并行 SCSI 及 FC 相比具有诸多优势。SAS 能够满足事务处理应用对于高频率、即时随机数据存取的要求,而这以前通常是由 FC 来实现的。SAS 还将并行 SCSI 业经验证的可靠性及功能性与串行技术的性能及设计优势融为一体,实现了高性能、高灵活性、可扩展性、可靠性以及可用性。另外,SAS 最大的优势或许在于其背板设计和协议接口允许在同一系统中采用 SAS 与SATA 两种驱动器。能够混合和匹配相关应用所需要的不同驱动器类型无论对集成商还是用户来说都是一种优势。
SAS 与 SATA 的兼容能力还允许系统集成商使用通用连接器及线缆来设计混合存储系统。SAS 向下兼容前代 SCSI 软件及中间件的能力同样使其可轻松将原有组件、主机以及驱动器融合到新的 SAS 拓扑中,无需启动新的培训,花费集成成本,或对原有软件进行修正。
SAS 还为物理设备提供了大地址范围、采用小连接器的长距离电缆以及与外部存储系统的连接性。SAS 扩展器硬件的功能就像一台用来简化大型外部存储系统的交换机。该系统能够以最小时延轻松得到扩展,而将带宽留给增大的工作负载。扩展器能够实现了高度灵活的存储拓扑,最多可混接 16256 个 SAS/SATA 驱动器。
SAS 支持众多配置,从而可为多主机和/或主机总线适配器提供磁盘驱动器存取,并在系统故障情况下可确保持续磁盘存取。借助 SAS,双端口器件可用于创建不存在单点故障的高可用性系统。由于可以利用扩展器将多个器件连接到多主机 (initiator),因此利用 SAS 还可以提高容错能力。SAS 扩展器通过与双端口驱动器结合使用或采用插转卡增加 SATA 驱动器的双端口功能,不仅可以简化冗余系统的设计,而且还可实现极高的容错能力与高可用性。
SAS 背板连接器具有SAS 端口 1与 SAS 端口 2两个信号群以及电源路径。SATA 背板连接器看起来与 SAS 连接器大同小异,但是其仅提供一个信号端口并且具有一个与 SATA 磁盘驱动器连接器的槽口相匹配的电键。SAS 背板连接器抛弃了此电键,转而采用针对第二个 SAS端口的信号(见下图)。由于不存在上述电键,SAS 背板连接器可以同时接纳 SAS 和 SATA 磁盘驱动器,而SATA背板连接器仅接纳 SATA 磁盘驱动器。
由于 SATA 驱动器仅提供一个端口,因此需要一个插转卡,以支持 SATA 驱动器的双端口功能。
插转卡可通过双主动多路复用器芯片来实现。该芯片支持驱动器侧与单端口 SATA 驱动器相连的 SATA 连接器以及插入 SAS 背板或中间背板的 SAS 连接器,从而为扩展器提供 2 个 SAS/STP 兼容的端口。这样,插转卡可提供 2 个从上游 SAS 扩展器接入每个单端口SATA HDD 的独立物理端口,从而通过两条独立路径实现了高可用性环境所要求的冗余性。
利用双主动多路复用器,两台主机均可通过各自的 SATA 接口独立访问单个 SATA 存储设备 。此时,LSI 双主动多路复用器可以使单端口 SATA 驱动器模拟双端口 SAS 功能。LSI 双主动多路复用器提供无缝双主机支持,几乎无任何开关延迟,同时还可透明地支持本机命令排序 (NCQ) 等增强型 SATA 驱动器功能。上述双端口 SAS 仿真可以从故障切换、集群和高可用性方面简化存储管理软件。
基于 SAS 的存储系统将并行 SCSI 业经验证的可靠性及功能性与串行存储技术的性能及设计优势融为一体,实现了高性能、灵活性、可扩展性、可靠性与可用性。由于 SAS 系统具有 SATA 串行传输接口,因此 SAS 可在同一阵列中提供混合 SAS 与 SATA 驱动器的灵活性,从而能够满足新一代企业存储需求。利用基于双主动多路复用器技术的插转卡为 SATA 驱动器提供双端口功能可以在低成本的近线存储应用中为基于 SAS 的系统提供一种成本更低、容量更高的选择。因此,众多基于 SAS 的新存储阵列设计将采用双主动复用器,作为企业 SATA 驱动器连接的首选架构。